1. You know all the answers but nobody asks you any questions.
2. You get winded playing checkers.
3. You need a fire permit to light all of the birthday candles and you need oxygen after blowing them out.
4. You order Geritol on the rocks.
5. You sink your teeth into a thick steak and they stay there.
6. You stop to think and sometimes forget to start again.
7. You don’t need an alarm clock to get up with the chickens.
8. Your pacemaker opens the garage door whenever a cute gal walks by.
9. The only whistles you get are from the tea kettle.
10. A fortune teller only wants to read your face.
11. You finally get it all together, but can’t remember where you put it.
12. You pray for a good prune juice harvest.
13. Everything hurts. And what doesn’t hurt, doesn’t work.
14. You feel like the morning after, and you haven’t been anywhere.
15. Your little black book contains only names ending with M.D.
16. You look forward to a dull evening.
17. You join a health club and never go.
18. You need glasses to find your glasses.
19. You sit in a rockng chair and can’t get going.
20. Your knees buckle, but your belt won’t.
21. You have too much room in your house, and not enough in your medicine chest.