1.)Your dog has his own webpage…
2.)You refer to your friends by their internet names instead of their real ones…
3.)Half of your friends you’ve never met in person….
4.)You use abbreviations like LOL and SMP in normal conversation…
5.)Your real mail box hasn’t been open months while you check you e-mail once every 15 minutes…
6.)The computer chair has the imprint of your butt in it…
7.)Due to your eyes being constantly bloodshot, others you know think you have a drug problem…
8.)You’ve been in the computer room so long that your family has filed a missing persons report and/or forgot what you looked like…
9.)Your idea of a good Saturday night is hopping on AOL and talking to your net babes…
10.)The biggest way to tell you net addict is that you were offended by some (or all of) the things stated above.